What is flight transit? What should you keep in mind when experiencing flight transit?

Many people are curious about the concept of flying in transit. So what is flight transit, and what should you keep in mind when experiencing this airline service? To get useful options as luggage for future flights, follow the article below with HoaBinh Airlines now.

What is flight transit?

What is flight transit? Transit is a term for a flight with at least two legs, meaning that to reach the final destination, you need to stop at at least one stop midway. For example, if you fly from Hanoi to Bali, you must transit in Kuala Lumpur or Singapore, or in the case of flying from Hanoi to Jeju, you will fly from Hanoi to Seoul and then connect from Seoul to Jeju.

There are many destinations that do not have direct flights, so passengers are forced to fly via transit point. However, there are still cases where many people actively choose to fly in transit because the cost is often lower than flying directly. Depending on each case, you can experience transit services from the same company or order from different companies.

Advantages and disadvantages of flight transit service

After grasping the concept of flight transit, passengers need to pay attention to the "bullet points" of advantages and disadvantages of this service to consider the appropriate experience.

Advantage of flight transit

  • If you choose to transit with the same airline, it will be much more convenient because your checked baggage will usually be transferred automatically.
  • Connecting time between two flights helps passengers have more time to rest and eat after a long flight.
  • Flight transit costs are often lower than direct flights, so many passengers prefer to experience this airline service.

Disadvantage of flight transit

  • Normally, the waiting time for the next transit flight will be very long and make you tired. On the contrary, if you choose the next flight too close to the previous flight's arrival time, it is easy to miss your flight, especially when the first flight is likely to be delayed due to many reasons.
  • Missing your transit flight is definitely a "nightmare" that no passenger wants. Remember to set a reminder alarm because you may be so busy shopping or entertaining that you accidentally forget your flight time.
  • The airport temperature at night is quite cold. If you do not rent a hotel or motel to wait for the next flight, you should pay attention to bringing warm clothes and thin blankets to keep warm.

Important notes that passengers need to "take to heart" when choosing a flight transit 

Flying today is no longer a new concept for many tourists. However, before considering choosing to experience this airline service, you should note the following important information:

Transit time

Transit time is an important thing that visitors should consider carefully before using the service. Waiting too long will easily cause fatigue, but if you choose the minimum waiting time for a transit flight of less than 2 hours, you will also encounter risks such as checking in too hastily, or worse, the first flight will be delayed or encounter problems. The attempt resulted in her missing the next flight.

Usually, you need to be there at least 45 minutes to an hour before your next flight. After excluding travel time and finding the boarding gate, the most reasonable transit time is 2-5 hours. In particular, tourists need to pay attention to many airports with large areas, such as Suvarnabhumi (Thailand), Hong Kong, and Changi (Singapore), which will take them more time to travel, so remember to consider choosing a suitable flight transit. 

What should I do when transiting?

What should I do when waiting for a flight transit? The most important thing that passengers need to do when arriving at the airport is to find out whether this airport requires you to enter and then exit again, or if you just need to go in the transit area.

  • The airport will usually have 2 entrances, one door for transit (passengers in transit) and one door for immigration (passengers entering the country). Note that if there is no transit route, it means you need to enter the country.
  • Don't forget to set your watch to local time so you don't get confused with the time. Remember to set an alarm to remind you of the next flight time.
  • Look at the electronic boards to find out which gate your next flight will board at and whether you need to change terminals or not. Or you can directly ask airport staff for advice and answers to your questions.
  • You can use capsule motel services right at the airport, and if you can enter the country (have a visa or go to visa-free countries for Vietnamese guests), you should look for hotels near the airport. to comfortably rest and relax.
  • If you choose to wait for your flight transit right at the airport, don't forget to prepare snacks, drinks, a jacket, and a thin blanket. You should choose a place to sit and rest in a well-lit place where many people pass by, and pay attention to keeping your luggage safe, especially your passport bag and cash, which you should keep with you.
  • You should practice personal hygiene at the airport while waiting for your upcoming flight. Keep personal hygiene items such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, towels, etc. in your carry-on luggage for convenience.

Above are some shares from HoaBinh Airlines about flying in transit and experiences when flying in transit. Hopefully this article will help you in the process of learning and applying for your flight. For any information you need advice on, please contact our hotline: 0939.311.911 - 0913.311.911 for 24/7 support.