Save now 6 notes when taking children traveling

Parents need to prepare enough supplies and choose a comfortable seat on the plane. Many parents feel worried and stressed before traveling for a long time with their children, especially those who are taking their children out for the first time. HoaBinh Airlines will help families have a memorable trip this summer vacation.


Choose the right destination

Parents consider destinations suitable for their children's age. For children under 2 years old, parents should limit moving around a lot, avoid trips that involve exploration, climbing mountains, or going into caves, and instead choose a place to rest.

A children's play area, a swimming pool, or a high-end tour with the care of a professional tour guide is also an attractive suggestion.

Prepare your belongings carefully

Parents need to make a list of items to bring to avoid forgetting them. Identification documents (birth certificate), medicine, personal hygiene items, etc. for your child are things that need to be prepared carefully, especially when taking the baby with you. 

For babies who are using diapers, mothers should bring enough diapers during the days away from home. This is to avoid the situation of your baby having allergies or rashes when using a strange type of diaper if they run out and cannot buy the correct brand of diapers they usually use.

Besides, parents should also consider bringing a stroller. For families with babies or children under 4 years old, strollers are essential. The car can be used as a temporary bed for your child to sleep in at noon or to help your child relieve tired legs when constantly moving; it is also protected from the sun and rain.

Note when buying airline tickets

Families with young children should choose to fly during the day instead of in the evening or at night, as children can easily get tired and cry. Not to mention, many flights were delayed for several hours because of the incident.

For long trips, parents should also consider whether to buy cheap airline tickets or spend more money to receive more benefits. Because the planes of some foreign low-cost airlines will park at the airport far from the city center, travel takes a lot of time.

In addition, seats as well as the distance between rows of seats on planes operated by many low-cost airlines are often small and narrow, making travelers feel uncomfortable on long flights. Parents can also minimize waiting time and standing in line at the airport by doing "online check-in" (if possible).

Choose your seat on the plane

There are three best seats for children: the first row of seats in front of the plane's bulkhead, next to the window, and near the toilet. Passengers should choose these three positions based on their age.

If the baby is young, parents should choose a front row seat, in front of the wall, and request a cradle. They can move around the crib or sleep better than when held in your arms. For slightly older and more active children, guests can choose seats next to the window.

The outdoor scene distracts children and makes them less naughty and fussy. In addition, the view outside is also better than the chaotic space in the cabin, so children will be more relaxed.

Families with older children should sit next to the toilet because they need to go there more often. In case your child is naughty and prone to making noise, Rebecca recommends choosing flights during the day instead of at night.

At that time, parents will not have to worry too much about keeping their children in order and avoiding affecting the sleep of other passengers. Some other tips for passengers to have an easy trip with small children are to bring snacks, books, stories, and toys.

Consider staying in a hotel or renting a house

Guests staying at hotels or resorts will receive privileges such as room service, meals, etc. However, families bringing small children can think about renting homestays, apartments, houses, etc. to "turn" them into your home. 

Mothers can prepare meals for their children, easily do laundry, dry clothes, etc., just like at home. In addition, if you are traveling with a group of families, renting a house is very convenient, providing a common space to live and gather together.

If you're worried about your child getting lost, you can write their name and phone number on their arm or buy a GPS tracking device and wear it on their wrist (ankle for younger children).

For older children, parents guide their children to protect themselves by asking someone if they cannot see their parents (police officers, security staff at the train station, bus station, airport, etc.) for help finding their parents. Children also need to learn by heart their parents' phone numbers and hotel addresses.

Note when preparing luggage for children to fly

Parents should bring enough documents, food, and blankets to keep their children comfortable on the plane. Because flying with young children, especially children of childbearing age, is quite a difficult task for both mother and baby.

The longer the flight, the more difficult this becomes. Because young children inherently need to be able to move around, run, and jump, having to fly long distances and sit still in a chair in a cramped and unfamiliar space is really not easy.

To prepare well for a flight, both mentally and physically, for children, parents need to prepare the following items:

  • One or two toys that your child loves, like a small stuffed puppy or a brightly colored hairpin, will make your child feel more familiar and closer when sitting on a plane surrounded by strangers.
  • One or two thin picture books for your child to read will help them focus on having fun and forget about fatigue.
  • A coloring book with colored pencils for your child to draw and 'kill' time on the flight, avoiding boredom or fatigue during the long flight.
  • A few candies or snacks that your child likes for him to munch on.
  • You can bring a small water bottle or your child's specialized water bottle on the plane. Usually, customs do not allow liquid bottles to be brought on the plane, but if there are small children, they will let them through.
  • One or two sets of clothes to change on the plane if your baby vomits.
  • Handkerchiefs and towels are needed in case you accidentally get dirt on your clothes or to wipe up when you vomit.
  • A small, thin blanket for long flights in case your child sleeps on the plane when they don't have a blanket or run out of blankets
  • Even if you have removed diapers, please wear diapers for your child during the flight to prevent your child from wanting to go to the toilet, and the toilet is always crowded.
  • A very important thing is that when flying, everyone needs to have identification documents such as passport, ID card, driver's license, etc.
    • If flying internationally, everyone needs to have a passport, from children to adults.
    • If flying domestically and if the child is under 14 years old and has not yet had time to apply for a passport or is not old enough to get an ID card, parents should bring the child's birth certificate.
    • If your baby has just been born and hasn't had time to get a birth certificate yet, bring the birth certificate with you. You should bring the originals of these documents because some places do not accept notarized copies.
  • Finally, put all the above preparations in a small bag or backpack and place it neatly under the seat of the person sitting in front so that when you need anything, it can be easily taken out. You are allowed to put a compact bag there, especially when there are small children with you, but it is not necessary to put it in the overhead compartment because it is inconvenient to take it in and out.

A few other notes when taking your baby on a plane

  • During flights, it's best if your baby can sleep. However, not all babies fall asleep easily, so mothers should tell them stories to help them concentrate and listen attentively, or read stories before bedtime so they can easily fall asleep. Children who sleep well will maintain their strength and, most importantly, avoid crying on the plane.

During takeoff and landing, children will easily experience tinnitus and ear pain, so mothers should let them nibble on candy or sip some water to limit that. If the child is young and still breastfeeding, the mother should breastfeed the child during takeoff and landing to help reduce the child's tinnitus pain.

  • Children from 2 years old to 12 years old must buy tickets (75% of adult tickets, depending on the company) and have seats like adults.

Children under 2 years old (buy 10% of adult tickets or depending on the company) and children are allowed to sit on their mother's lap and hold them. On international flights, parents can order crib service for their babies and sit at the top of the cabin where there is space for the baby's crib, which is very convenient and comfortable.

  • When your baby is over 2 years old, which is the age when they are allowed to sit in their own chair, mothers should let them sit on their own and teach them to install the seat belt themselves. They should get used to sitting and handling things on their own.

Avoid holding your child every time the plane takes off or lands or when the child is scared, because this will make the child get into the habit of having to be held every time he or she is afraid of taking off or landing.

If your baby cries and wants to be held, you should talk or give him something to watch or play to help him forget his worries and fears. Please have the parent explain to baby that everyone sits in their own chair; no one carries anyone. A baby will look around to understand that for myself and will not ask for anything. A baby 2 years old or older sitting alone with a seat belt on will be safer than when the mother holds it in her lap.

Above are six things to note when parents take their babies traveling that HoaBinh Airlines shares with you. Hopefully, this article will help mothers on their travel journey with their children. For any information you need advice on, please contact our hotline: 0913.311.911 - 0939.311.911 for support and answers to all questions.