How To Prepare For Your First Flight With HoaBinh Airlines

Traveling by airplane for the first time is an exciting experience, but it could be daunting when passengers do not have their own experience. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare well and get some advice to deal with any problems. And HoaBinh Airlines will answer the rules for your first flight right now.

Rules and notes to remember when traveling by plane

When flying, you will need to learn the rules of the plane as well as the necessary precautions. Here are some rules and notes for flying that Hoa Binh Airlines sends to you.

Prepare important documents to go by airplane

Remember to bring important documents such as identification cards, boarding passes, passports, etc. These procedures are extremely important and necessary when traveling by plane for travel or business.

The preparation of documents and procedures before flying is extremely importantThe preparation of documents and procedures before flying is extremely important

Arrive in airport earlier

Getting to the airport early will give you more time to prepare and go through essential procedures before boarding. Being on time for check-in and late boarding affects the work of individuals and other passengers.

Prepare luggage when going on board

  • Follow the regulations on items that are allowed and not allowed to be carried on board. You need to learn and comply with the airline's regulations on baggage and what is allowed or not allowed on board to avoid causing inconvenience to yourself and others.
  • Pack and label luggage carefully: Luggage when traveling should be carefully packed and noted to avoid loss and damage during transportation.

Read the information on the tickets carefully 

  • Flight Code
  • Departure Date and Time: You need to pay attention to the boarding time so you don't miss the departure time
  • Boarding Gate Number: The boarding gate will be closed about 10 minutes before the plane takes off. You need to navigate to the exact location of the boarding gate and arrive on time to avoid being late for boarding.

Always remember the important information about traveling by plane on timeAlways remember the important information about traveling by plane on time

Respect Cabin Crew instructions 

Passengers must comply with the regulations coming from the airline during the flight and when the aircraft takes off, taxis, and lands. Do not use equipment or objects without the flight attendant's permission.

Restricted to speaking about “bombs” and “explosions”

Passengers must comply with the regulations coming from the airline during the flight and when the aircraft takes off, taxis, and lands. Do not use equipment or objects without the flight attendant's permission.

Do not carry anyone's belongings

You should politely decline when someone asks you to carry something for them because the bag you carry on their behalf risks containing banned substances. Especially when going through the security gate to check luggage, do not hold anything for anyone, including water bottles or boxes of gum. You are illegal because just one member of meth is hidden in it.

Be in control of your belongings in public spacesBe in control of your belongings in public spaces

Power off your phone and electronic devices or put it on airplane mode

Waves emitted by electronic devices pose a potential interference hazard, affecting signals and communication lines between pilots and ground personnel. Turn off mobile devices when not in use or put them on airplane mode when the plane takes off to ensure the safety of everyone on the plane.

Do not use alcohol or alcoholic beverages on the plane

Airlines have the right to refuse or prohibit the carriage of passengers who engage in disruptive behavior due to intoxication. In addition, these are also incendiary and dangerous items for flight.

Passengers with bad health conditions are not allowed to fly

Passengers with a history of cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, or high blood pressure are not allowed to fly.

Research carefully the notes and regulations when traveling by planeResearch carefully the notes and regulations when traveling by plane

Tips to help you have a perfect trip

To have a pleasant trip and leave the most unforgettable impression, what should we pay attention to? Here are some great tips to make your trip perfect:

  • Stay hydrated and keep the moisture. Staying in an airplane cabin for an extended period without moisture makes your body uncomfortable. You need to drink water constantly and have a skincare kit ready to replenish every part of your body with moisture.
  • Pack snacks and food for the flight. Take a plane, but remember to recharge! These are simply snacks or ready-made meals that are served on the flight. For special meals suitable for some guests, such as a vegetarian menu or other dishes, you must order 48 hours before departure time!
  • Wear Comfortable clothing. The tight space of the seat on the plane causes discomfort during the flight. Therefore, you do not need to bring in a suit that is too tight to make you uncomfortable and inconvenient. Instead, comfortable clothes with soft materials that are not too offensive in public will be the best outfit when traveling by plane.
  • Keep your belongings handy. To enjoy the flight best and limit the inconvenience that affects others, you should bring compact, easy-to-carry items when boarding the plane. Customs regulations allow passengers to bring only items with the prescribed weight and capacity.
  • Use noise-canceling Headphones. Noise-canceling headphones can help block background noise, making relaxing and resting during the flight easier.
  • Prepare for your Entertainment. Download movies, TV shows, or games onto your electronic devices to entertain yourself during the flight.
  • Check the seat and make sure you do not forget your belongings before leaving. When you leave the plane, check your seat to avoid forgetting essential items.
  • Relax and Enjoy. Take the opportunity to relax and enjoy the journey. Look out the window, appreciate the view, and take in the experience of flying.

A detailed preparation will help you experience the flight to the fullestA detailed preparation will help you experience the flight to the fullest

Some notes for long-hour flights

A long flight often brings fatigue and sluggishness. So how do fix this situation? Here are some tips for long flights:

  • Manage Jet Lag: If you're flying across time zones, adjust your sleep schedule a few days before the trip to minimize jet lag.
  • Adjust to Local Time: If you're flying across time zones, adjust your sleep schedule during the flight to minimize jet lag at your destination.

Remember to take care of yourself during long flightsRemember to take care of yourself during long flights

HoaBinh Airlines hope that the things to prepare for your first flight will help you get more useful information before you fly! If you want to book flight tickets quickly and conveniently, please contact us through our hotline at 0939.311.911 - 0913.311.911 for 24/7 support.